28 Nov 2024 - $15B py in rework

I can't believe this, but according to the Construction Industry Institute (which is made up of some of the 140 largest GC firms in the world), poorly coordinated drawings result in $15,000,000,000 in rework per year in the USA. $15B! That's 180 pallets of stacked $100 bills!

Beyond the staggering amount of construction waste that results from this or the number of paper plans written, this is all completely avoidable. Unfortunately, according to the folks at Redicheck, it takes 51 minutes per page to coordinate a 2D plan set properly. 3D BIM won't do it for you. Currently, humans with expertise in plan reading must work to ensure it can be avoided.

It shouldn't be a shock that we are in the AI revolution. Access and cost to train and develop models have never been available. This is why we LOVE this problem of detecting issues in 2D plan sets. MarkedUp will save thousands of hours of human time in finding issues and could help save billions in rework.

This is a mission worth dedicating your life to—or at least, that's what our team believes!