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Markedup v1.0 - Product Update
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30 Jan 2025 - Issues we detect
This post will get updated frequently as we add more checks. Here are the issues MarkedUp currently detects:
- Section call out used on a drawing but it does not match a drawing listed in the Index
- Detail call out matches a sheet in index but no detail is on the sheet it points to
- Spelling mistakes
- Based on Index Sheets
- Missing documents in sheet set compared to the Index located on the Title Sheet
- Duplicate sheet numbers in the drawing set.
- Sheets included in the project documents but missing from index
- Missing document revision number in title block
- Missing Drawing Name in title block
- Missing Drawing number in title block
- Missing scale in title block unless missing scale underneath the individual drawing title (inverse is also true)
- Missing title block on plan sheet
- Sheet revision number is or is not consistent between sheets. i.e. "Revision 2: is seen on sheet pages 1-50; but is not on pages 51-60.
- Incorrect sheet sequence in the drawing set (sheets out of order).
- Incorrect or missing project name on the cover sheet.
- Missing or incorrect sheet titles in the index on the cover sheet.
- Drawing index references sheets that do not exist.
- Title/Cover sheet missing project-specific notes (e.g., scope of work).
- Title/Cover sheet is Missing contact information for key project stakeholders (e.g., owner, architect).
- Incorrect or inconsistent drawing dates across different sheets.
- Drawing set missing revision history on the cover page.
- Missing consultant information (e.g., architect, engineer) in the title block.
- Inconsistent consultant references between sheets (e.g., wrong firm names for the same class of construction., engineer name changes multiple times)
We have a list of over 424 issues we are building. If you have a specific issue you want us to add to our list, please email us at