We made our first sale!
Markedup v1.0 - Product Update
How do you engineer intuition?
Didn't expect these survey results! (v1)
We did a thing!
Issues we detect
Ideas on AI training
Batch 4A and MVP
$15B py in rework
Fall in the love with the problem
Writing a Manifesto
Technical Papers
Market Validation and Results
Grammerly for Construction
How it Works
Make 2D Great Again
14 Nov 2024 - Make 2D Great Again
We are Making 2D Great Again because we’ve delivered your very own AI Plan Review agent. They say you need to spend something like ~45 mins per sheet to review them properly - the reality is no one is going to spend 100 hours reviewing 120 pages to check for all the errors. This is automated now with MarkedUp.
We created MarkedUp because we wanted to give everyone the insights that a 30-year construction plan review veteran would have. This is about creating a product that improves the daily lives of those who rely on 2D architectural and construction docs to do their jobs. Cause lets be real, 2D plans are where construction happens.