12 May 2024 - How MarkedUp Works

How it works

Welcome to V1!

  1. Drag drop a PDF construction set onto the homepage upload box www.markedup.com
  2. Enter your email address so we can email you the output accept our terms
  3. Add: results@markedup.ai to your safe senders list
  4. Wait 1-10 minutes depending on complexity
  5. Review the list of results, markups and other issues
  6. Send us feedback at feedback@markedup.ai

How we make it happen

  1. First is security - the plans that you upload never leave our environment. We’ve created the first small language model built on a propotary secure code set
  2. Plan checking - we’ve been studying (and continue to study) how to best checkplans. We’ve created an autonomous AI and ML agent that operates by gathering data from you plans, checking that against best practices, and the isolating specifics areas of potential issues.
  3. MarkingUp - well, we wouldnt be MarkedUp without this capability. Once we’ve identified a potential issue we mark up your plan sets using a vector layer on the PDF. They are editable and we add clarification to each markup using editable text.
  4. Human intervention - everything we recomend is just that, a recomendation. It is up to you to accept or ignore our suggestions. In addition to that simple action we may also ask for optional further information to verify why we were right or wrong.